Group Private Medical Insurance Adviser Cambridge
Group medical insurance is a widely regarded as one of the most popular and certainly highly valued employee benefits available.
Private health insurance should be one of first things you conside
A healthier workforce is often more productive. When employees get the care they need, not only can they be cured quickly but it may be prevented in the first place. Having the tools employees need to nip illness in the bud before it occurs could be the difference between a high performing business, and one that is under par. If your employees do become ill, a private health plan could get them back into work swiftly. This results in less sick pay and fewer problems with productivity making your business more productive. The National Health Service has to revolve around the general publics need, not your workforce.
An attractive employee benefits package is important for attracting the right staff. When prospective employees see group medical insurance is available as part of a rewards package, you’ll be seen as up there with the best. A talented team can push a company forward and retaining these employees is important. Group medical insurance shows that your firm cares about its workers health and wellbeing, leaving staff feeling valued.
Often the perceived benefits by employees of group medical insurance are larger than the actual costs incurred by the firm. Individual private medical insurance can be quite costly, but private medical insurance arranged on a group basis can offer lower premiums due to administrative savings of arranging a number of policies in one go. Furthermore, group medical insurance premiums paid by the employer can be filed as a business expense for corporation tax purposes although it does count as a benefit in kind upon the employees.
Two main types of private medical insurance available
- Private medical insurance – This type of insurance provides for the cost of receiving private medical care and pays the care provider directly.
- Medical cash plans – These policies provide fixed sums for costs that may be involved with keeping your employees healthy. For example, this could include non-surgical procedures, dental care, hospital stay expenses, physiotherapy, chiropody and podiatry, often without the need for a GP referral.
There are additional benefits for your employees:
- Cover for families – In some cases, group medical insurance plans can include family members. Children of the employee can be covered up to the age of 25 depending on the policy conditions. The option to add family members is usually at the extra cost to the employee but the premiums are very competitive in comparison to individual policies.
- Telephone support and helplines – Qualified operatives available to speak about health and wellbeing when an appointment just isn’t possible.
- Dental and optical support – NHS dental and optical support is hard to come by these days. Group medical insurance helps employees strike this off their list of worries.
- Psychiatric treatment and complementary therapies – Mental health and wellbeing is just as important as physical. Business medical insurance covers all these bases.
In conclusion, group medical insurance can benefit your employees by keeping them healthy and making them feel valued. With happy, healthy and motivated employees, comes a more successful business. Use private medical insurance to help attract the right staff, and once attracted keep your workforce as productive as possible.