Spring Budget 2023

How the changes affect pensions and taxes

The Spring Budget 2023 was delivered by Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, on March 15. Among key changes announced were those made to pensions, aimed at making it easier for individuals to save for their retirement and encouraging retirees to return to work.


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State Pension

How much has the 2023/24 State Pension increased by?

If you are a UK resident planning for your retirement, it’s important to be aware of the State Pension changes that have taken effect in the new tax year. From April, the amount you can now receive as part of the UK State Pension has risen, which will be welcome news to those who have retired or are nearing retirement age.


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Early bird investors

Does the early bird get the ISA worm?

If you’re an investor looking to maximise your Individual Savings Accounts (ISA) returns, it’s worth considering investing your ISA allowance as soon as possible each year, as soon as it becomes available on 6 April. Not only will this help ensure that your money is protected from taxes right off the bat, but it also means that your investment has more time to grow in the market. This can result in a bigger ISA pot in the long run.


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More people choosing semi-retirement for a variety of reasons

Two in five over-55s plan to gradually phase out working life before State Pension age

Semi-retirement is an option to consider for individuals who may not be ready to fully retire, but still wish to reduce their work hours and gradually phase out working life. By choosing to semi-retire, you can maintain a good work-life balance while still earning an income.


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Pensions of significant value

Welcome but unexpected changes to pension tax

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s first proper Budget 2023, on Wednesday 15 March, brought some welcome but unexpected changes to pension tax. The changes are designed to alleviate the impact of strict pension rules, which are believed by Mr Hunt to have had a negative impact on the country’s labour market.


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Financial wellbeing

More than 24.5 million people are financially disengaged

Do you often review your finances? Or are you one of those people who just hope for the best? Although managing finances may not be the most exciting activity, keeping track of your financial wellbeing can make a significant difference to your life, both in the present and in the future. Taking control of your finances will enable you to meet your financial goals and improve your overall financial health.


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Relying on an inheritance for future financial security

50% of British adults admit to having checked the value of their parents’ property

With house value data now easily available to access online, it’s interesting to see that so many are using this, not just to get an idea of what their own home may be worth, but to get an idea of the sort of amount they may get in terms of parental inheritance in the future.


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